Providing medical care to dependents exposed to toxins on military installations
The PACT Act has added several new areas of presumptions for toxic exposure. More areas such as Panama and Okinawa may be added. In some of these areas, dependents accompanied veterans to the toxic area. MVA proposes legislation that would provide health care for dependents affected by toxins on military installations.
Military dependents accompanied their veteran spouses to many areas throughout the globe. In areas where toxic exposure has been confirmed, the veteran receives a presumption of exposure resulting in compensation and medical care. The accompanying dependents drank the same water and breathed the same air as their military sponsor. Currently there is no provision for medical assistance for those dependents who have developed illnesses due to toxic exposure.
Military dependents accompanied their veteran spouses to many areas throughout the globe. In areas where toxic exposure has been confirmed, the veteran receives a presumption of exposure resulting in compensation and medical care. The accompanying dependents drank the same water and breathed the same air as their military sponsor. Currently there is no provision for medical assistance for those dependents who have developed illnesses due to toxic exposure.