Brian Lewis
Chairman Of the Board Brian Lewis served in the United States Navy from 1997-2001 as a Fire Control Technician Third Class. During his time in the Navy, he served in Orlando, Florida; Groton, Connecticut; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Apra Harbor, Guam, and San Diego, California. He was privileged to serve aboard both submarines and surface ships.
After being discharged from the Navy, Mr. Lewis attended Anne Arundel Community College, Stevenson University, and Mitchell Hamline School of Law. Mr. Lewis holds an Associate of Applied Science in Paralegal Studies, a Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, a Master of Science in Forensics, and a Juris Doctor.
Mr. Lewis currently is a partner at a general practice firm. His practice centers primarily around military law and veterans claims appeals. He is licensed to practice law in the State of Minnesota. Mr. Lewis is admitted to the Supreme Court of the United States. Mr. Lewis is also admitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the D.C. Circuit, the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Circuit. He is a member of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and all service courts. Mr. Lewis is an accredited attorney with the Department of Veterans Affairs and admitted to practice before the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. He is admitted to the United States Court of Federal Claims. He is admitted to practice before many federal district courts including the District of Columbia.
Michael Kvintus
Vice Chairman Mike is a disabled former Navy Petty Officer and serves as Chief of Staff. He is vice-Chief of the BWN section.
Commander John B. Wells (U.S. Navy Retired)
Executive Director and Secretary of Treasurer
Attorney John B. Wells is a retired Navy Commander (Surface Warfare) and a disabled veteran, who served from 1972 until 1994. He was assigned to six ships and several shore commands. He is a graduate of the Surface Warfare Officers School Department Head and PXO schools. Mr. Wells served as a Special-Court Martial convening authority, member, senior member, and witness before administrative boards and courts-martial.
Mr. Wells attended law school at night while still on active duty. He was a member of the Law Review Staff and contributed to several law school publications. Upon retirement from the military, Mr. Wells settled in Slidell, Louisiana and opened a general law practice that emphasizes military and veterans law. Mr. Wells has represented military members and veterans throughout the country. He is at home in both state and federal courts and travels often to Washington, D.C. for cases there.
Commander Wells was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in November of 1994, the Supreme Court of Louisiana in October of 1995, and the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in April of 1996 and many other federal courts.
Mr. Wells is married to Janice Burton Wells of Perth Australia and has two daughters, five grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.
Mike Yates is a former Navy petty officer is the Blue Water Navy Section Chief. He also served as Executive Director, National Commander of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association and has been active in the movement to gain benefits for Blue Water sailors. Mike suffers from diseases associated with exposure to herbicides.
Anthony West
Board Member At Large Drag elements here...
Tony West entered the U.S. Navy in July 1966. After boot camp in Great Lakes, IL, he reported aboard the USS Decatur (DDG-31) as a part of her nucleus crew in Newport, RI. He became a plank owner when the Decatur was commissioned in April 1967 in Boston, MA. The Decatur traversed from Boston, MA to Long Beach, CA (new home port). Tony received his honorable discharge after leaving the Decatur in 1970 as an RD2. He rode the Decatur during two WestPacs.
Tony has 2 master's degrees and is a computer systems/ data base engineer. He taught in the University System of Maryland, as an Adjunct Associate Professor (under graduate and graduate levels) (1993-2004). He retired from the Federal Government with 34 years of service. He has one son and three daughters. He enjoys his 6 grandchildren with his wife of 53+ years, Karen. He is currently on the Military - Veterans Advocacy (MVA) Board of Directors.
Tony was / is Decatur Association president (2006 - 2014) (2018 - PRESENT) and founded this association in 2006.
Richard Elliott
Director of Research Richard served in the United States Naval Submarine force. He qualified in submarines while off the coast of Vietnam during the war. He is a member of the Holland Club, which is for Submariners with over 50 years of qualifications in submarines.
Richard and his wife Linda live in Arkansas and Texas. They enjoy travel and spending time with family and friends.
Master Sergeant Donna Christian Stratford (USAFR Retired)
Director of Marketing and Communications She has more than 40 years of experience in media relations, stakeholder involvement, marketing and strategic communications planning. She is an Air Force Veteran and retired from the AF Reserve.
Prior to joining the MVA Board, she worked at the Department of Veterans Affairs and retired in 2022. While at VA, she was the Director of Communications for the Veterans Health Administration, Office of Quality and Patient Safety. Prior to joining VHA, she worked in Office of Strategic Engagement at Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA). While at VBA, she focused on Veteran outreach for toxic exposure benefits including Camp Lejeune and Blue Water Navy. While at VBA, she received certification as a Veterans Service Representative – Rater to better understand and communicate about VA compensation programs.
Donna served as a Air Force journalist and newspaper editor. She continued her public affairs career in civil service, holding management positions from the unit to major command level where she specialized in environmental (toxic exposure) communications and outreach before moving to the private sector. Throughout her career she specialized in strategic communications, business development and marketing for military and defense related reprograms.
Ms. Stratford’s undergraduate studies were in education and mass communications, and she has a Master of Business Administration with Marketing concentration from Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla. She is Accredited in Public Relations by the Public Relations Society of America.
Sgt. Major Jim Kuiken (USMC - Retired)
Director, Native & Indigenous American Veteran Outreach [email protected] Jim Kuiken is a highly successful former business executive, political candidate, international diplomat, law enforcement officer/agent, Director with Homeland Security, and retired multi-war combat wounded Marine. His long and distinguished career in national service and private industry exemplifies his commitment to this country, it's security, and the free-market economic engine it was founded on.
Now, as an Author and Public Speaker, his experiences as a young combat ‘grunt’ who moved up the ladder to become one of the most senior enlisted leaders in the Marine Corps, as a state and local law enforcement officer, a firefighter/EMT, a Border Patrol Agent, a federal Special Agent, and ultimately a Director with the Department of Homeland Security give him the ‘boots on the ground’ real-world perspective.
As an internationally recognized authority in law enforcement/first responder, homeland security, military and intelligence operations, Jim’s first-hand subject matter expertise is evident as an author with his knowledgeable down-to-earth writing; as well as making him a highly sought after speaker with his relaxed, personable but effective public speaking style.
Susie Belanger
Board Member at Large I am the wife of a US Navy Vietnam Veteran, mother of three children, grandmother of four and great grandmother of one. I come from a strong military family. In addition to my husband, my dad and uncle both served in the Coast Guard during WW2 and during Vietnam my brother served in the Army. Two of my cousins served during the Vietnam War and my nephew graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy last year. These military connections are what drive me to advocate for Veterans.
I began my journey as a Veteran's advocate in 2002, when my husband was denied disability benefits related to Agent Orange exposure and I discovered our Blue Water Navy Veterans were stripped of these presumptive benefits. I helped him fight for those benefits and after two years he was approved. What about the rest of his shipmates? I had no choice but to continue the fight.
I started a grass roots movement and recruited many great people including Veterans, wives and widows. This movement became known as Blue Water Navy Association where I served as the special projects director. Between the passage of the Blue Water Navy (BWN) Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 (PL 116-23) and the court case Procopio VS. the Secretary of the DVA, our Blue Water Navy Veterans were finally granted the benefits they earned and deserve.
The photo that I provided was taken the day HR 299 passed on the House Floor. Congressman Valadao gave me a shout out on the floor. It moved me to tears. We merged with Military -Veterans Advocacy, Inc. Our mission is to continue moving forward to ensure all Veterans exposed to toxic substances receive the benefits they are entitled to in a timely manner.
Yes, it is possible for one person to make a difference, but not alone. It takes a TEAM or a village. Remember there is no "I" in “TEAM”. Veteran's issues are my passion and will continue to advocate as long as I am able.
W. Hope Bald
I grew up on Army bases around the country and the world, gaining a unique perspective from diverse cultures and experiences. After serving in the Coast Guard, I earned an accounting degree and became a Certified Public Accountant and Information Systems Auditor. I worked at a Big 4 accounting firm for nearly two decades, providing information risk management consulting, auditing, and tax technology services to some of the largest global companies. I then spent a decade in the finance department of a worldwide insurance company, where I focused on building technology and enhancing processes related to deferred tax assets and liabilities.
In addition to my professional career, I've been a dedicated volunteer for over two decades as a Boy Scouts of America leader, serving on the local council executive board. I am on the board of trustees for the Slidell Elks Lodge. My husband, now retired from the Coast Guard, works as General Counsel for a NASA center. We are proud parents of two sons: one who resides in Houston with his wife, both of whom are attorneys, and another who attends Mississippi State University.
Cheryl Causey Cox
Board Member At Large
My husband Don was in the Air Force stationed in Guam during the 1960’s. After many years of spiraling health issues, we began researching Agent Orange exposure and its impacts.
Don had eight specialists all encouraging us to reach out to the VA since they had no training on toxic exposure. During this time, we sought help through different VA resources and kept hitting brick walls. No one knew what or who could help since Don had “No boots on the ground in Vietnam”. “NO! NO! NO!” were the repeated answers. Many, many calls to senators and congress representatives got us nowhere.
After further research and many prayers, the Blue Water Navy and Agent Orange Survivors of Guam Facebook pages appeared on my Facebook. Through the Military Veterans Advocacy, I met some amazing people who were fighting tirelessly for all veterans. When the Pact Act began moving across the halls in Washington and members were asked for letters of support to be sent, I offered my help and joined the email and call campaign. I asked family and friends to join me seeking support. I was determined Washington would hear our pleas! During the signing of the Pact Act I was asked would I help moderate the Agent Orange Survivors of Guam Facebook pages and later asked to serve on the board of Military Veterans Advocacy. My goal is to serve so that others hear how spouses, and their families are fighting daily for resources and support for their heroes. I am simply repaying and supporting this wonderful organization who helped our family.
Being a retired educator, my life has been one of helping others. I feel that my next role in life is to be that person that educates our communities and other families about Veteran’s resources and upcoming legislation that could help a family in difficult and challenging times.
Eric Burns
Board Member At Large
Eric is a retired Marine Corps Colonel, serving from 1996 until 2024. A Naval Aviator, Eric had the opportunity to fly multiple aircraft including the CH-46E, MV-22B, UC-35C, and UC-12F. During his career, he had opportunities to deploy around the world in support of combat operations, training, and humanitarian support missions. Given the opportunity to command at the O-5 and O-6 levels, as well as to lead within multiple high visibility staff tours in the Pentagon and elsewhere, Eric’s desire to continue to make a difference in the lives of our service members and veterans drove him to join the team at Military Veterans Advocacy shortly after ending his active duty career, while embarking on his new career as a professional pilot.
Eric has an undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia, and an MBA from the University of Florida and lives in Slidell, LA with his wife Tracy and daughter Samantha.
Jimmy Scott
Board Member At Large
Thirty years leadership experience with a consistent record of success in project management, site management, customer support and contract management in a secure environment. Consistently achieve successful outcome on projects undertaken.
38yrs US. Army and 26.5 yrs Federal service, retired