Military-Veterans Advocacy® (MVA) has established a Bill of the Week. With this program we will highlight critical legislature that will benefit veterans. Scroll down for previous Bills of the Week!
November 20 - December 16 - S 3560
S 3560, Combat Veterans Pre-Enrollment Act of 2024. This bill will facilitate the pre-enrollment of combat service members into the VA's patient system before their separation from the Armed Forces, requiring the establishment of a pre-enrollment mechanism and annual reporting on the process. These amendments are designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the VA's patient enrollment system, ensuring that combat service members receive timely access to healthcare services upon transitioning to civilian life.
November 4 - November 20 - HR 4518 and S 1792
HR 4518 and S 1792, CARE Act of 2023, these bills will enhance the VA's Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers by involving medical specialists in application reviews and mandating annual reports. It also establishes a fee-free recognition process for organizations and individuals assisting veterans.
October 7 - November 4 - HR 4081
HR 4081, Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act, will reclassify military working dogs as members of the Armed Forces, not equipment. It outlines their retirement, adoption, and recognition, including decorations for exceptional services. It is our hope that this legislation 'sails' quickly through both the House and Senate.
September 23 - October 7 - S 633
S 633, Evertt Alvarez, Jr. Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2023. This bill will award Everett Alvarez, Jr. a Congressional Gold Medal in recognition of his service to the United States, and his valor and resilience during the Vietnam War. This pilot became the second-longest-held U. S. prisoner of war. This bill facilitates the striking of a gold medal with Mr. Alvarez’s image and name and authorizes the sale of bronze duplicates to cover costs. Mr. Alvarez has more than earned being rewarded for his bravery.
September 16 - September 23 - HR 4150 & S 1954
HR 4150 & S 1954, Improving Whole Health for Veterans with Chronic Conditions Act. These bills will enhance VA health care for veterans with diabetes and heart disease by integrating dental care. It introduces a four-year pilot program for eligible veterans, focusing on rural areas, includes a student loan repayment program for dental professionals, and mandates reporting on the program's effectiveness.
September 9 - September 16 - HR 3649
HR 3649, Veterans National Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot program to furnish hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to a veteran who has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS). HBOT is a non-opioid method of dealing with traumatic brain injury. MVA has reviewed several studies concerning HBOT treatment for PTS and TBI and there are positive indications associated with this treatment. We expect the House Committee on Veterans Affairs to mark up a number of bills this month, including HR 3649. It is essential as many people as possible contact their Members of Congress regarding this bill.
August 26 - September 9 - HR 3651 & S 1266
HR 3651 and S 1266, Love Lives on Act of 2023. These bills will enhance benefits for surviving spouses of veterans. They will permanently extend the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship to surviving spouses and modify dependency and indemnity compensation post-remarriage. These bills will ensure Survivor Benefit Plan eligibility for some remarried spouses and grant access to commissary stores, exchanges, and MWR facilities regardless of remarriage status.
August 19 - August 26 - HR 2911 & S 1299
HR 2911 and S 1299, Fairness for Servicemembers and their Families Act of 2023. These bills will require the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to periodically review and report on the maximum coverage available under the Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance and Veterans' Group Life Insurance programs. Specifically, the VA must review such coverage amount every three years, therefore improving the existing methods.
August 12 - August 19 - HR 808 & S 449
HR 808 and S 449, Veterans Patient Advocacy Act, these bills will require the Office of Patient Advocacy to ensure at least one patient advocate per 13,500 veterans in the VA health care system and to provide access to patient advocates for highly rural veterans. This legislation will enhance healthcare accessibility for highly rural veterans through community-based outpatient clinics which will be a significant benefit to disabled American Veterans.
August 5 - August 12 - HR 196
HR 196, Expediting Temporary Ratings for Veterans Act. This bill will require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to update the Department's IT systems within one year to facilitate the claims process for certain temporary disability ratings for veterans. We recognize that the Department of Veterans Affairs will need to enhance its information technology systems to provide for the automatic processing of claims for temporary disability ratings for specified veterans who have a service-connected disability that requires hospitalization for more than 21 days.
July 22 - August 5 - HR 1097 & S 633
HR 1097 and S 633, Everett Alvarez, Jr. Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2023, will award Everett Alvarez, Jr. a Congressional Gold Medal in recognition of his service to the United States, and his valor and resilience during the Vietnam War. As I am sure you are aware - Mr. Alvarez has more than earned to be rewarded for his bravery. This pilot became the second-longest-held U.S. prisoner of war. This bill facilitates the striking of a gold medal with Mr. Alvarez's image and name and authorizes the sale of bronze duplicates to cover costs.
July 8 - July 22 - HR 645
HR 645, Healthy Foundations for Homeless Veterans Act. The number of homeless veterans is an epidemic that this country needs to focus its attention on. After serving their country, many find themselves without any resources and this bill is a start to assist them in maintaining some semblance of a normal life within our society. They need to be given the opportunity to have access to the basic living necessities as well as better access to VA health care. It has been such a
travesty in how they are treated, and we are glad that this bill means to afford them
fundamental opportunities that have been neglected.
June 17 - July 8 - HR 333
HR 333, Disabled Veterans Tax Termination Act, will provide for concurrent receipt of veterans’ disability compensation and retirement pay for disabled retirees with a service-connected VA rating of less than 50 percent disability. This would also include those veterans who have satisfactorily retired with less than 20 years of service. Their service-connected disability compensation should be completely separate from their retirement earned pay. While fiscal responsibility is important, placing that burden on the shoulders of our disabled veterans is unconscionable. This bill will shift the burden back to the United States government where it belongs.
May 27 - June 17 - HR 1139 & S 740
HR 1139 and S 740, the GUARD VA Benefits Act of 2023, these bills will reinstate criminal penalties for unaccredited claim representatives who charge unauthorized fees while assisting veterans with filing a claim for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation benefits. As documented in a DAMA Subcommittee hearing last year, veterans are being preyed upon by unregulated for-profit corporations. This is unacceptable. Restoring criminal penalties will help defer this type of predaceous behavior.
May 13 - May 27 - S 572
S 572, Ensuring Access to VA INFO Act of 2023. This bill will essentially hold the Secretary of Veterans Affairs accountable to the Senate and House Committees on Veterans Affairs in a timely manner. Instead of having no set timeframe of answering questions posed by the Committees, the Secretary must respond within 45 days, and that is a very reasonable amount of time to research the answer and respond appropriately. It seems that stalling is what has been an effective delay on moving forward to better assist veterans, and that definitely needs to stop, starting with the committees that vote for the betterment of all veterans.
May 6 - May 13 - S 106
S 106, Commitment to Veterans Support and Outreach Act. This bill will allow for better care of our veterans and their families. Outreach to veterans is essential in assisting them to better understand their benefits, especially state benefits, which fluctuate state to state. We are especially appreciative of the fact that this bill provides priority consideration to tribal areas and localities where there is high veteran suicide rate.
April 29 - May 6 - HR 1179 and S 296
HR 1179 and S 296, Preventing Crimes Against Veterans Act o 2023, will establish a new federal criminal offense for knowingly executing, or attempting to execute, a scheme to defraud an individual of veterans' benefits, or in connection with obtaining veteran's benefits for an individual. Veterans have earned their benefits through their service, and by misuse, it leaves other deserving veterans shortchanged. The amount of time it takes a veteran to even get benefits is a long process, and the fraudulent use creates a backlog for those who have waited months and years for their own benefits.
April 22 - April 29 - HR 1083 and S 414
HR 1083 and S 414, Caring for Survivors Act of 2023. These bills will improve and expand eligibility for dependency and indemnity compensation paid to certain survivors of deceased veterans. There is an old saying that the toughest job in the military is that of a military spouse. That continues post-service. While the death of a loved one is certainly terrible, to have the benefits limited or taken away can be another burden which can be alleviated by this bill. If that spouse had been attending to a totally disabled veteran at the time of their death, it goes without saying that they should be entitled to the same compensation for the original amount of time given to that veteran.
March 11 - April 22 - S 3751
S 3571, Rural Veteran Transportation to Care Act, will amend the VA Transportation Grant Program to consider the needs of Veterans who live in highly remote areas. Without accessibility to VA facilities, these Veterans are excluded from the VA health care system. This includes the tribal communities, located far from a medical center or CBOC. These $60,000.00 grants coupled with additional grants to purchase ADA compliant vehicles will help to solve the accessibility problem.
February 26 - March 11 - HR 2413
HR 2413, Dental Care for Veterans Act. By changing just a few words within the Title 38 United States Code, not only would this bill require that the VA furnish dental care in the same manner as medical care, but also include dental appliances along with regular dental treatment. This phased in approach by tier would include dentures along with dental appliances. Dental care is just as important to a veteran's well-being as their medical care and should be taken just as seriously.
February 12 - February 26 - S 2757 and HR 5530
S 2757 and HR 5530, VA Emergency Transportation Access Act. These bills will limit the ability of the Secretary to reduce the amount of transportation reimbursement. This will allow for economic changes, which allows for increases or decreases based on the economic situation and actual transportation costs.
January 15 - February 12 - HR 6462
HR 6462, Readiness Act, will give peace of mind to military and foreign service spouses who are also federal employees. Many spouses continually worry about maintaining their careers when their family is transferred. The process of gaining subsequent federal employment can be a long arduous one. Without this bill, spouses who have careers in the federal sector could lose their employment opportunities. Allowing remote work until a permanent position becomes available will help keep experienced employees in the federal workforce.
January 8 - January 15 - HR 5938
HR 5938, Veterans Exam Expansion Act of 2023, will expand the temporary licensure requirements for medical professionals completing disability evaluation or compensation and pension examinations. This temporary provision will allow the Secretary to maximize his contract providers to meet the ever-increasing requirements of the PACT Act. This is a step forward to ensure VA claims are processed expeditiously.
January 1 - January 8 - S 3282
S 3282, VA Billing Accountability Act, will allow discretionary waivers when the VA fails to bill veterans for co-pays within 180 days. Veterans should not have their financial situation disrupted because the VA makes a mistake or is dilatory in their billing. This bill applies to medical treatment and to medications. Too many times, the VA has not considered the limited funds that are available to veterans. Many are on a fixed income and live month to month.
December 11 - January 1 - HR 2830
HR 2830, Veteran Improvement Commercial Driver License Act of 2023, will amend title 38 United States Code, to expand educational opportunities to include many commercial driver licensing programs. Subsection 2(a) provides sufficient quality control to discourage fraudulent operations. Enactment of this bill will expand the opportunity for veterans to qualify for a commercial driver’s license. This will not only promote veteran employment but will help ease the national supply chain backlog.
November 27 - December 11 - HR 5913
HR 5913, Consolidating Veteran Employment Services for Improved Performance Act of 2023. This bill will effectively transfer certain programs, such as job counseling, homeless veteran integration, and veteran employment from the Department of Labor to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. These programs are currently bouncing back and forth from the VA to DoL, and then back again for funding and/or approval. This is an absolute redundancy that this Bill will eliminate by simply eliminating the “middleman” in this scenario (DoL). The VA will also have an increased budget which can ensure that veterans are being given the necessary training and opportunities for employment. Being able to assist the veterans themselves, the VA can establish a one-stop source of information and care for veterans. This will eliminate an unnecessary step which adds unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles to an already convoluted system.
November 6 - November 27 - HR 196
HR 196, Expediting Temporary Ratings for Veterans Act, will amend title 38 United States Code to award temporary disability ratings for certain veterans. While there will continue to be medical evidence accumulated, this could speed up the process for many veterans. This will increase efficiency and help to reduce the unacceptable backlog. Any excess ratings can be quickly corrected in the review process.
Week of October 23 - November 6 - S 2803
S 2803, Wounded Warrior Access Act of 2023. In this electronic day and age, it is necessary for the VA to catch up and digitally offer service records to the veterans. Pulling records from the VA can be arduous at best. It requires a multitude of paperwork to be filed in person at a VA facility. This is not feasible for all veterans, especially those who live in rural or tribal areas without a local VA facility. Requesting these records digitally or by hard copy is definitely the way forward. Providing time restrictions will also assist veterans in the timely processing of their claims. This will make access for veterans easier and reduce their burden. Additionally, providing predatory warnings on the VA website will further steer veterans in the right direction and away from those who only want to use them for monetary gain.
Week of October 16 - October 23 - HR 5697
HR 5697 will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to ensure veterans can obtain a physical copy of forms by mail or at medical facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs. This bill will slightly adjust Title 38 section 111, allowing for the documentation to be given directly to the veteran. This would include not only the veteran but also a caregiver of the veteran. This bill would seem like an easy payment type situation, however while reading into the bill, there are a few inconsistencies that may also want to be addressed. This is progress to helping veterans who cannot afford the travel to and from their VA facilities for care, and one step forward.
Week of October 9 - October 16 - HR 5667
HR 5667, Pay Our Military Act, will continue appropriations for pay and allowances for members of the Armed Forces for the fiscal year 2024, in the event of a government shutdown. This will cover all members of the active and reserve duty Armed Forces (with some exclusions based on which Department the Coast Guard falls under at the time), will continue to receive their pay and benefits. This is extremely important to maintain the level of care that the servicemembers and their families rely on to be able to focus on the mission and not be concerned about how their mortgage, rent, or food will be paid for. To include contractors and civilians who directly support the Armed Forces is a welcomed addition, and not lose the line of continuity of operations.
Week of September 18 - October 9 - HR 2447
HR 2447 will provide for a presumption of service connection for illnesses associated with service in the Armed Forces in the Panama Canal Zone. It will close certain loopholes for those service members who have been previously denied VA benefits for illnesses connected with their service in the Panama Canal Zone. The PACT Act left these individuals out under the assumption that there was not Agent Orange used in this location. However, there is evidence to the contrary, and we are glad that it is being recognized. These veterans have been suffering and should be taken care of and fairly compensated for their exposure.
Week of September 4 - September 18 - HR 5247
HR 5247, Expedited Hiring for VA Trained Psychiatrists Act of 2023. While usually the VA uses a litany of roadmaps for psychiatrist to go through in order for veterans to be seen, this has created a backlog in which veterans wait months to be seen by anyone. Some veterans are then sent to community care, which is more costly when the VA could merely fast track qualified psychiatrists to fill these positions. By enacting this Act, gaining psychiatrists who have gone through their residency and meeting the qualifications set forth from the VA, they could be appointed to serve. We need to remove this unnecessary backlog and create a better more expeditious service to our veterans mental health.
Week of August 28 - September 4 - S 740
S 740, the GUARD VA Benefits Act of 2023, will reinstate criminal penalties for unaccredited claim representatives who charge unauthorized fees while assisting veterans with filing a claim for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation benefits. As documented in a DAMA Subcommittee hearing last year, veterans are being preyed upon by unregulated for-profit corporations. This is unacceptable. Restoring criminal penalties will help defer this type of predaceous behavior.
Week of July 31 - August 28 - HR 3023
HR 3023, TREAT PTSD Act, will amend the title 38 of United States Code, to ensure that certain qualifying veterans (to include Reservists) who have been diagnosed with PTSD may receive stellate ganglion block therapy for emerging treatment and relief of their symptoms. These veterans must be provided with the risk analysis of this treatment so they can make the decision to proceed. We believe this to be an effective use for not only PTSD but also other mental illnesses veterans may suffer from. The VA must remain on the forefront of progressive therapies such as ganglion block, so we can attempt to reduce the lasting effects of trauma these veterans suffer from on a daily basis.
Week of July 17 - July 31 - S 1040
S 1040 will amend and increase the restriction on smoking on Veterans Health Administration facilities. Smoking used to be a commonplace occurrence, especially among military members, however the negative health consequences have long since been proven. Not only does this affect the individual member and cause costly treatments, but secondhand smoke also is extremely detrimental, in even small doses. Those who suffered Agent Orange exposure, for example, may already have pulmonary issues, and should not have to walk through a cloud of smoke to get into their VA facility. We should be promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Week of July 3 - July 17 - HR 1226
HR 1226, the Wounded Warrior Access Act. In this electronic day and age, it is necessary for the VA to catch up and digitally offer service records to the veterans. Getting records pulled from the VA can be arduous at best, requiring a multitude of paperwork in person at a VA facility, which may not be feasible for all veterans, especially those who live in rural or tribal areas which do not have a local VA facility nearby. To have an option to request these records digitally, or a hard copy, is definitely the way forward to make access for veterans easier, and any way we can assist in lessening the burden on them, we should take it.
Week of June 13 - July 3 - HR 2410
HR 2410, VET CARE Act of 2023, will begin the pilot program designed to evaluate the correlation between dental care and the propensity for lessened chronic illnesses thereby yielding lower cost of care for the VA. If the pilot program is successful after the timeframe allotted for the control-group eligible veterans (based on the specified criteria), we would like to see this program become standard for all eligible veterans.
Week of May 29 - June 13 - HR 3649
HR 3649 will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot program to furnish hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to a veteran who has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS). MVA has reviewed several studies concerning HBOT treatment for PTS and TBI and there are positive indications associated with this treatment. Our interviews with MVA members who served in combat or in Special Operations also point to an affirmative correlation between HBOT and PTS/TBI. We believe that HBOT could potentially allow for a more successful treatment pathway for these invisible wounds.
Week of May 22 - May 29 - HR 2526
HR 2526, S.O.S. Veterans Caregivers Act, will merely change the semantics regarding the satisfaction that caregivers and veterans experience. With the subtle adjustment in language, it will clear up gaps in any idiosyncrasies which may be interpreted differently and cause confusion within the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010.
Week of May 15 - May 22 - HR 1191
H. Res. 387, Expressing support for the designation of June 10, 2023, as “Veterans Get Outside Day”. This resolution can be a saving grace for those veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress and depression, along with those who have also suffered a traumatic brain injury. The men and women of the Armed Forces have higher rates of suicide compared to their civilian counterparts and this proposed day outside is to call attention to the healing power of mother nature on the mind and body. To join together on this day as a united veteran support system is a step forward to create the awareness necessary to combat the mental health crisis veterans face daily.
Week of May 1 - May 15 - HR 1191
HR 1191, Correcting Guam's History in the PACT Act, will amend title 38, United States Code, to expand eligibility for a presumption of service connection for diseases associated with exposure to certain herbicide agents for certain veterans who served in Guam. The PACT Act grants the presumption of herbicide exposure to service members who ‘‘(5) performed on Guam or American Samoa, or in the territorial waters thereof, during the period beginning on January 9, 1962, and ending on July 31, 1980, or served on Johnston Atoll or on a ship that called at Johnston Atoll during the period beginning on January 1, 1972, and ending on September 30, 1977.” Evidence complied by Military-Veterans Advocacy shows that the spraying on Guam commenced on August 15, 1958. HR 1191 will correct this deficiency in the law and make the commencement date for Guam retroactive to August 15, 1958.
Week of April 10 - May 1 - HR 2447
HR 2447 will provide for a presumption of service connection for illnesses associated with service in the Armed Forces in the Panama Canal Zone. This bill will close certain loopholes for those service members who have been previously denied VA benefits for illnesses connected with their service in the Panama Canal Zone. The PACT Act left these individuals out under the assumption that there was not Agent Orange used in this location. However, there is evidence to the contrary, and we are glad that it is being recognized. These veterans have been suffering and should be taken care of and fairly compensated for their exposure.
Week of March 27 - April 10 - HR 1251
HR 1251 will authorize the President to posthumously award the Medal of Honor to Doris Miller for acts of valor as a member of the Navy during World War II. Dorie Miller was an all-American hero. His dedication to the United States Navy and his fellow Sailors was above and beyond anything expected of him. His bravery in the face of the enemy during his tenure onboard the battleship USS West Virginia has earned him this highest honor.
Week of March 20 - March 27 - HR 815
HR 815, the RELIEVE Act, will expand eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reimbursement of emergency treatment for veterans who are treated in a non-VA facility. This bill will close a loophole that has been left open. Often by the time a veteran enrolls in the VA system, it can take months to get in to schedule a visit with a primary care doctor, let alone a specialty. If an emergency occurs and the veteran has to go to a non-VA emergency facility, it makes no sense that they would be held responsible for being seen prior to an emergency. These things are out of our control, and the veteran should not be penalized.
Week of February 27 - March 20 - HR 1191
HR 1191 will amend title 38, United States Code, to expand eligibility for a presumption of service connection for diseases associated with exposure to certain herbicide agents for certain veterans who served in Guam. The PACT Act grants the presumption of herbicide exposure to service members who ‘‘(5) performed on Guam or American Samoa, or in the territorial waters thereof, during the period beginning on January 9, 1962, and ending on July 31, 1980, or served on Johnston Atoll or on a ship that called at Johnston Atoll during the period beginning on January 1, 1972, and ending on September 30, 1977.” Evidence complied by Military-Veterans Advocacy shows that the spraying on Guam commenced on August 15, 1958. HR 1191 will correct this deficiency in the law and make the commencement date for Guam retroactive to August 15, 1958.
Week of February 20 - February 27 - HR 710
HR 710 will establish a national commission on fiscal responsibility and reform. This bill will shine a light on the need for fiscal reform. It also aligns with one of our legislative agenda’s here at MVA. We are extremely supportive of ways to improve fiscal responsibility, so that veteran benefits can be expanded, and we as a nation can take care of all our Veterans, without cutting from another veteran to help another veteran.
Week of February 13 - February 20 - HR 562
HR 562, Improving Veterans Access to Congressional Services Act of 2023. This bill will provide for better accessibility for veteran constituents to meet with their legislative Congress people. By allowing the space within VA facilities, it gives a one-stop shop for veterans who might have more difficulty in reaching their lawmakers. The veteran issues can then be addressed and followed up with on the local level.
Week of February 6 - February 13 - HR 303
HR 303, Retired Pay Restoration Act, will provide for concurrent receipt of veterans disability compensation and retirement pay for disabled retirees with fewer than 20 years of service and a combat-related disability. While fiscal responsibility is
important, placing that burden on the shoulders of our disabled veterans is unconscionable. This bill will shift the burden back to the United States government where it belongs.
Week of January 30 - February 6 - HR 41
HR 41, VA Same-Day Scheduling Act of 2023, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to ensure the timely scheduling of appointments for health care at medical facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs. This is very important to veterans. The VHA is still plagued with delays and wait lists. This bill will force the VA to act and schedule in one phone call.
Week of January 23 - January 30 - HR 105
HR 105, TBI and PTSD Treatment Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot program to furnish hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to a veteran who has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS). MVA has reviewed several studies concerning HBOT treatment for PTS and TBI and there are positive indications associated with this treatment. Our interviews with MVA members who served in combat or in Special Operations also point to an affirmative correlation between HBOT and PTS/TBI. We believe that HBOT could potentially allow for a more successful treatment pathway for these invisible wounds.
Week of November 27 - December 3 - S 1725
S 1725 will grant a Federal charter to the National American Indian Veterans, Incorporated. This bill has already passed the Senate. Help us to get it passed in the House. Veteran services for tribal areas have been spotty at best. Native American Veterans often do not have access to either service officers or medical clinics. Chartering this group will help to correct these deficiencies. Native Americans are participating in military service in ever increasing numbers. We need to ensure that the VA serves their needs.
Week of November 13 - November 19 - HR 1282 HR 1282 and S 344, the Major Richard Star Act, will provide for concurrent receipt of veterans' disability compensation and retirement pay for disability retirees with fewer than 20 years of service and a combat-related disability. While fiscal responsibility is important, placing that burden on the shoulders of our disabled veterans is unconscionable. The Major Richard Star Act will shift that burden back to the United States government where it belongs. This is a bill that is long overdue.
Week of September 6 - November 13 - HR 5026
HR 5026, Panama Canal Zone Veterans Act of 2021, will grant federal benefits to veterans who served in or near the Panama Canal Zone, all of whom were potentially exposed to deadly tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange. It will expand presumptive coverage to these veterans, similar to the coverage for those who served in Vietnam, along the Korean DMZ, and on the base perimeters in Thailand. It is long past time we recognize the sacrifices of those who defended this strategic position when our nation called upon them.
Week of August 30 - September 6 HR 8736
HR 8736, the GUARD Act, will reinstate criminal penalties for unaccredited claim representatives who charge unauthorized fees while assisting veterans with filing a claim for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation benefits.
Week of August 22 - August 29 HR 7337
HR 7337, Access for Veterans to Records Act, will require the Archivist of the United States to submit a plan to Congress to eliminate the records backlog at the National Personnel Records Center. While we understand that the pandemic required a number of employees to work remotely, the medical situation has stabilized in this country. In order to obtain records to support the claims for sick and dying veterans, the National Archives must become more responsive. Contact your Senators and Member of Congress and ask for their support.
Week of August 8 - August 22 - HR 6647
HR 6647 will make certain improvements relating to the eligibility of veterans to receive reimbursement for emergency treatment furnished through the Veterans Community Care program.
Week of July 18 - August 8 - S 3373
The Honoring our PACT Act, will improve health care and benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances. This comprehensive bill will address herbicide, radiation, and burn pits. A procedural issue required Congress to amend and pass the PACT Act again. The House has done its job and passed the bill with bipartisan support. Every day this bill is delayed means another day a veteran could get sick and die. The Senate must stop any further delays and immediately pass the Honoring our PACT Act. Contact your Senators and tell them no more delays, they must bring the Honoring our PACT Act to the floor immediately and vote YES.
Week of July 4 - July 18 HR 7158 and S 2852
HR 7158 and S 2852, Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act, will authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to enter into contracts and agreements for the payment of care in non-Department of Veterans Affairs medical foster homes for certain veterans who are unable to live independently.
Week of June 27 - July 4 - HR 5819
HR 5819, Autonomy for Disabled Veterans Act, will increase the amount paid by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to veterans for improvements and structural alterations furnished as part of home health services.
Week of June 13 - June 27 - HR 1476
HR 1476, PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Program Act, will authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to make grants to State and local entities and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) to carry out peer-to-peer mental health
programs. As you know veteran suicide has reached epidemic level. We are losing thousands of veterans to suicide every year. In most cases mental health plays a role in these tragic deaths. The VA is not able to provide needed services on the local level to arrest this trend. They lack both the expertise and the resources to expand into local communities and tribal areas. This bill will make State and local governments and NGOs allies in the battle against veteran suicide.
Week of June 6 - June 13 - HR 2910 and S 3603
HR 2910 and S 3603, Veterans Health Care Freedom Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to improve the ability of veterans to provide the veterans the ability to choose health care providers.
Week of May 30 - June 6 - HR 7048
HR 7048, Protect Lifesaving Anesthesia Care for Veterans Act of 2022. This bill will prohibit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs from replacing physician anesthesiologists with certified registered nurse anesthetists, or other health professionals in the health care system of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Week of May 16 - May 30 - HR 7589
HR 7589, Remove Copays Act, will prohibit the imposition or collection of copayments for certain mental health outpatient care visits of veterans.
Week of May 9 - May 16 - HR 2992
HR 2992, TBI and PTSD Law Enforcement Training Act. This bill will direct the Attorney General to develop crisis intervention training tools for use by first responders related to interacting with persons who have a traumatic brain injury, another form of acquired brain injury, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Week of April 25 - May 9 - HR 7524
HR 7524, the ACES Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to seek to enter into an agreement with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to study the incidence and mortality of cancer among individuals who served in the Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps as aircrew.
Week of April 18 - April 25 - HR 4601 and S 2405
HR 4601 and S 2405, Commitment to Veteran Support and Outreach Act, will authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to award grants to states to improve outreach to veterans.
Week of April 11 - April 18 - HR 7050
HR 7050, Ernest Peltz Accrued Veterans Benefits Act, will make certain improvements in the laws relating to the administration of benefits payable to survivors of deceased veterans.
Week of April 4 - April 11 - HR 6543
HR 6543, Restore Veterans' Compensation Act of 2022, will eliminate the recoupment of separation pay, special separation benefits, and voluntary separation incentive payments from members of the Armed Forces who subsequently receive disability compensation under laws administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Week of March 28 - April 4 - Repeat of HR 3368, HR 5026, HR 2269, and S 657
We have had all of these as previous Bills of the Week, but we still need to get more support. HR 3368 will provide a presumption of service-connection for veterans exposed to certain herbicides while serving on Guam, American Samoa, and Johnston Island. HR 5026 will grant federal benefits to veterans who served in or near the Panama Canal Zone, all of whom were potentially exposed to deadly tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange. HR 2269 & S 657 will modify the presumption of service connection for veterans who were exposed to herbicide agents while serving in the Armed Forces in Thailand during the Vietnam era.
Week of March 21 - March 28 - HR 5607 and S 3483
HR 5607 and S 3483, Justice for ALS Veterans Act of 2022, these bills will extend increased dependency and indemnity compensation paid to surviving spouses of veterans who die from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, regardless of how long the veterans had such disease prior to death.
Week of March 7 - March 21 - HR 3967
HR 3967, Honoring our PACT Act of 2021, will improve health care and benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances.
Week of February 28 - March 7 - HR 3402 and S S 976
HR 3402 and S 976, Caring for Survivors Act of 2021, will improve and expand eligibility for dependency and indemnity compensation paid to certain survivors of certain veterans.
Week of February 15 - February 28 - HR 6659 and S 3541
HR 6659 and S 3541, the Health Care for Burn Pit Veterans Acts, will provide health care and benefits to veterans suffering from the effects of toxic exposure. It is a cost of war that must be paid, and it is past time for Congress to deliver on this promise. It is consistent with the pending COST of War Act, won’t negatively impact VA’s delivery of care or benefits to veterans, and can garner enough bipartisan support to get it all the way to the President’s desk— making it our best chance at ensuring all past, present, and future generations get the care and benefits they earned.
Week of February 7 - February 14 - HR 6402 and S 1725
HR 6402 and S 1725 will grant a Federal charter to the National American Indian Veterans, Incorporated. Veteran services for tribal areas have been spotty at best. Native American Veterans often do not have access to either service officers or medical clinics. Chartering this group will help to correct these deficiencies. Native Americans are participating in military service in ever increasing numbers. We need to ensure that the VA serves their needs.
Week of January 24 - February 7 - HR 5944
HR 5944, Veterans Administration Backlog Accountability Act of 2021, will direct the Inspector General of the Department of Veterans Affairs to submit to Congress a report on the backlog of disability compensation claims submitted to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Week of January 17 - January 24 - HR 3596
HR 3596, the Lawrence J. Hackett, Jr., Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange Fairness Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a task force on Agent Orange exposure.
Week of January 10 - January 17 - HR 1836
HR 1836, the Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act of 2021, will ensure that the time during which members of the Armed Forces serve on active duty for training qualifies for educational assistance under the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Week of January 3 - January 10 - HR 6260
HR 6260, the Casualty Assistance Reform Act of 2021, will direct the Secretary of Defense to establish a working group for the reform of the casualty assistance officer program.
Week of December 27 - January 3 - HR 2992
HR 2992, TBI and PTSD Law Enforcement Training Act, will direct the Attorney General to develop crisis intervention training tools for use by first responders related to interacting with persons who have a traumatic brain injury, another form of acquired brain injury, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Week of December 20 - December 27 - HR 3400
HR 3400, VA Emergency Transportation Act, will reimburse Veterans for the cost of emergency medical transportation to a Federal facility.
Week of December 13 - December 20 - HR 2800
HR 2800, the WINGMAN Act, will permit veterans to grant access to their records in the databases of the Veterans Benefits Administration to certain designated congressional employees.
Week of November 29 - December 13 - HR 1361 and S 444
HR 1361 and S 444, AUTO for Veterans Act, will authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide or assist in providing an additional vehicle adapted for operation by disabled individuals to certain eligible persons.
Week of November 22 - November 29 - HR 2601 and S 1188
HR 2601 and S 1188, SFC Heath Robinson Burn Pit Transparency Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to notify Congress regularly of reported cases of burn pit exposure by Veterans.
Week of November 8 - November 22 - HR 2819 and S 1198
HR 2819 and S 1198, Solid Start Act of 2021, will improve and expand the Solid Start program of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Week of November 1 - November 8 - HR 3537 and S 1813
HR 3537 and S 1813, Accelerating Access to Critical Therapies for ALS Act, will direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to support research on, and expanded access to, investigational drugs for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Week of October 18 - November 1 - S 1970
S 1970, The Clean Water for Military Families Act, will require the Secretary of Defense to conduct testing for and remediation of perfluoroalkyl substances and polyfluoroalkyl substances at or surrounding installations of the Department of Defense located in the United States, formerly used defense sites, and State-owned facilities of the National Guard.
Week of October 11 - October 18 - HR 4949 and S 692
HR 4949 and S 692, the Hello Girls Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2021, will award a Congressional Gold Medal to the female telephone operators of the Army Signal Corps, known as the "Hello Girls".
Week of September 27 - October 11 - HR 852 and S 221
HR 852 and S 221, United States - Israel PTSD Collaborative Research Act, will direct the Secretary of Defense to carry out a grant program to increase cooperation on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder research between the United States and Israel.
Week of September 13 - September 27 - RECA Cleanup Veterans
We have reason to believe RECA (Radiation Exposure Compensation Act) legislation will be introduced mid-September that may not include two groups of Veterans that should be included. The first group is approximately 6000 Veterans that participated in the Enewetak Atoll Radiological Cleanup Project. The second group omitted is the Palomares, Spain Broken Arrow Operation. Click the link to learn more and to contact your Member of Congress and Senators.
Week of September 6 - September 13 - HR 3368, HR 5026, HR 2269, & S 657
We have had all of these as previous Bills of the Week but we still need to get more support. HR 3368 will provide a presumption of service-connection for veterans exposed to certain herbicides while serving on Guam, American Samoa, and Johnston Island. HR 5026 will grant federal benefits to veterans who served in or near the Panama Canal Zone, all of whom were potentially exposed to deadly tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange. HR 2269 & S 657 will modify the presumption of service connection for veterans who were exposed to herbicide agents while serving in the Armed Forces in Thailand during the Vietnam era.
Week of August 23 - September 7 - HR 5026
HR 5026, The Panama Canal Zone Veterans Act of 2021 will grant federal benefits to veterans who served in or near the Panama Canal Zone, all of whom were potentially exposed to deadly tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange.
Week of August 16 - August 23 S 2189 and HR 1014
S 2189 and HR 1014 will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot program to furnish hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to a veteran who has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS).
Week of July 26 - August 16 HR 2192
HR 2192, The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2021, will provide a federal cause of action for those individuals affected by exposure to the water provided at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, NC from August 1, 1953 to December 31, 1987.
Week of July 12 - July 26 - HR 1976 and S 810
HR 1972 and S 810, the Fair Care for Vietnam Veterans Act, will extend the list of diseases associated with exposure to certain herbicide agents for which there is presumption of service connection for veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam to include hypertension.
Week of June 28 - July 12 - HR 1656
HR 1656, TREAT PTSD Act, will require the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense to furnish enrolled members and veterans of the Armed Forces who have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with stellate ganglion blocks, should they elect to have them.
Week of June 21 - June 28 - HR 303 and S 1147
HR 303 and S 1147, The Retired Pay Restoration Act, will permit additional retired members of the Armed Forces who have a service-connected disability to receive both disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs for their disability and either retired pay by reason of their years of military service or combat-related special compensation.
Week of June 7 - June 21 - HR 2441 and S 1468
HR 2441 and S 1468, Sgt. Ketchum Rural Veterans Mental Health Act of 2021, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to expand the Rural Access Network for Growth Enhancement Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and to direct the Comptroller General of the United States to conduct a study to access certain mental health care resources of the Department of Veterans Affairs available to veterans who live in rural and tribal areas.
Week of May 24 - June 7 - HR 3368
HR 3368 will provide for a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans exposed to herbicides while serving in the Armed Forces on Guam, American Samoa, and Johnston Island.
Week of May 17 - May 24 - HR 855
HR 855, VETS Safe Travel Act, will provide PreCheck to certain severely injured or disabled veterans. Our disabled American heroes have suffered enough in the service of their country.
Week of May 10 - May 17 - HR 2580 and S 1151
HR 2580 and S 1151 will provide for the treatment of veterans who participated in the cleanup of Palomares, Spain as radiation-exposed veterans for purposes of the presumption of service-connection of certain disabilities by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Week of May 3 - May 10 - Recap of previous bills
This week we are doing a recap of all of our previous Bills of the Week. HR 1014, HR 109, HR 1355, S 454, HR 1585, S 565, HR 1022, S 951, HR 1448, S 613, HR 2372, S 952, HR 2269, S 657, HR 2127, and S 927.
Week of April 26 - May 3 - HR 2127 and S 927
HR 2127 and S 927 will improve the provision of health care and other benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs for veterans who were exposed to toxic substances.
Week of April 19 - April 26 - HR 2269 and S 657
HR 2269 and S 657 cover herbicide exposure in Thailand. These bills will modify the presumption of service connection for veterans who were exposed to herbicide agents while serving in the Armed Forces in Thailand during the Vietnam era.
Week of April 7 - April 14 - HR 2372 and S 952
HR 2372 and S 952 will provide for presumption of service connection for certain diseases associated with exposure
to toxins. The Warfighter bills are essential to provide needed medical coverage and compensation for victims of military toxic exposure.
Week of March 31 - April 7 - HR 1022, S 951, HR 1448, and S 613
HR 1022 and S 951 will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a grant program under which the Secretary shall make grants to private entities for the provision of service dogs to eligible veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.
HR 1448 and S 613 will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program on dog training therapy, and to amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide service dogs to veterans with mental illnesses who do not have mobility impairments.
Week of March 24 - March 31 - HR 1585 AND S 565
These companion bills will provide for the treatment of veterans who participated in the cleanup of Enewetak Atoll as radiation-exposed veterans for purposes of the presumption of service-connection of certain disabilities by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Week of March 17 - 24 - HR 1355 AND S 454
These companion bills will provide health care and benefits to veterans who were exposed to toxic substances while serving as members of the Armed Forces at Karshi Khanabad Air Base, Uzbekistan.
Week of March 10 - March 16 - HR 109
This bill will establish an advisory committee on the implementation by the Department of Veterans Affairs of an electronic health record.
Week of March 3 - March 9 - HR 1014
This bill will establish a pilot program to furnish hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to a veteran who has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS).
November 20 - December 16 - S 3560
S 3560, Combat Veterans Pre-Enrollment Act of 2024. This bill will facilitate the pre-enrollment of combat service members into the VA's patient system before their separation from the Armed Forces, requiring the establishment of a pre-enrollment mechanism and annual reporting on the process. These amendments are designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the VA's patient enrollment system, ensuring that combat service members receive timely access to healthcare services upon transitioning to civilian life.
November 4 - November 20 - HR 4518 and S 1792
HR 4518 and S 1792, CARE Act of 2023, these bills will enhance the VA's Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers by involving medical specialists in application reviews and mandating annual reports. It also establishes a fee-free recognition process for organizations and individuals assisting veterans.
October 7 - November 4 - HR 4081
HR 4081, Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act, will reclassify military working dogs as members of the Armed Forces, not equipment. It outlines their retirement, adoption, and recognition, including decorations for exceptional services. It is our hope that this legislation 'sails' quickly through both the House and Senate.
September 23 - October 7 - S 633
S 633, Evertt Alvarez, Jr. Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2023. This bill will award Everett Alvarez, Jr. a Congressional Gold Medal in recognition of his service to the United States, and his valor and resilience during the Vietnam War. This pilot became the second-longest-held U. S. prisoner of war. This bill facilitates the striking of a gold medal with Mr. Alvarez’s image and name and authorizes the sale of bronze duplicates to cover costs. Mr. Alvarez has more than earned being rewarded for his bravery.
September 16 - September 23 - HR 4150 & S 1954
HR 4150 & S 1954, Improving Whole Health for Veterans with Chronic Conditions Act. These bills will enhance VA health care for veterans with diabetes and heart disease by integrating dental care. It introduces a four-year pilot program for eligible veterans, focusing on rural areas, includes a student loan repayment program for dental professionals, and mandates reporting on the program's effectiveness.
September 9 - September 16 - HR 3649
HR 3649, Veterans National Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot program to furnish hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to a veteran who has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS). HBOT is a non-opioid method of dealing with traumatic brain injury. MVA has reviewed several studies concerning HBOT treatment for PTS and TBI and there are positive indications associated with this treatment. We expect the House Committee on Veterans Affairs to mark up a number of bills this month, including HR 3649. It is essential as many people as possible contact their Members of Congress regarding this bill.
August 26 - September 9 - HR 3651 & S 1266
HR 3651 and S 1266, Love Lives on Act of 2023. These bills will enhance benefits for surviving spouses of veterans. They will permanently extend the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship to surviving spouses and modify dependency and indemnity compensation post-remarriage. These bills will ensure Survivor Benefit Plan eligibility for some remarried spouses and grant access to commissary stores, exchanges, and MWR facilities regardless of remarriage status.
August 19 - August 26 - HR 2911 & S 1299
HR 2911 and S 1299, Fairness for Servicemembers and their Families Act of 2023. These bills will require the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to periodically review and report on the maximum coverage available under the Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance and Veterans' Group Life Insurance programs. Specifically, the VA must review such coverage amount every three years, therefore improving the existing methods.
August 12 - August 19 - HR 808 & S 449
HR 808 and S 449, Veterans Patient Advocacy Act, these bills will require the Office of Patient Advocacy to ensure at least one patient advocate per 13,500 veterans in the VA health care system and to provide access to patient advocates for highly rural veterans. This legislation will enhance healthcare accessibility for highly rural veterans through community-based outpatient clinics which will be a significant benefit to disabled American Veterans.
August 5 - August 12 - HR 196
HR 196, Expediting Temporary Ratings for Veterans Act. This bill will require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to update the Department's IT systems within one year to facilitate the claims process for certain temporary disability ratings for veterans. We recognize that the Department of Veterans Affairs will need to enhance its information technology systems to provide for the automatic processing of claims for temporary disability ratings for specified veterans who have a service-connected disability that requires hospitalization for more than 21 days.
July 22 - August 5 - HR 1097 & S 633
HR 1097 and S 633, Everett Alvarez, Jr. Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2023, will award Everett Alvarez, Jr. a Congressional Gold Medal in recognition of his service to the United States, and his valor and resilience during the Vietnam War. As I am sure you are aware - Mr. Alvarez has more than earned to be rewarded for his bravery. This pilot became the second-longest-held U.S. prisoner of war. This bill facilitates the striking of a gold medal with Mr. Alvarez's image and name and authorizes the sale of bronze duplicates to cover costs.
July 8 - July 22 - HR 645
HR 645, Healthy Foundations for Homeless Veterans Act. The number of homeless veterans is an epidemic that this country needs to focus its attention on. After serving their country, many find themselves without any resources and this bill is a start to assist them in maintaining some semblance of a normal life within our society. They need to be given the opportunity to have access to the basic living necessities as well as better access to VA health care. It has been such a
travesty in how they are treated, and we are glad that this bill means to afford them
fundamental opportunities that have been neglected.
June 17 - July 8 - HR 333
HR 333, Disabled Veterans Tax Termination Act, will provide for concurrent receipt of veterans’ disability compensation and retirement pay for disabled retirees with a service-connected VA rating of less than 50 percent disability. This would also include those veterans who have satisfactorily retired with less than 20 years of service. Their service-connected disability compensation should be completely separate from their retirement earned pay. While fiscal responsibility is important, placing that burden on the shoulders of our disabled veterans is unconscionable. This bill will shift the burden back to the United States government where it belongs.
May 27 - June 17 - HR 1139 & S 740
HR 1139 and S 740, the GUARD VA Benefits Act of 2023, these bills will reinstate criminal penalties for unaccredited claim representatives who charge unauthorized fees while assisting veterans with filing a claim for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation benefits. As documented in a DAMA Subcommittee hearing last year, veterans are being preyed upon by unregulated for-profit corporations. This is unacceptable. Restoring criminal penalties will help defer this type of predaceous behavior.
May 13 - May 27 - S 572
S 572, Ensuring Access to VA INFO Act of 2023. This bill will essentially hold the Secretary of Veterans Affairs accountable to the Senate and House Committees on Veterans Affairs in a timely manner. Instead of having no set timeframe of answering questions posed by the Committees, the Secretary must respond within 45 days, and that is a very reasonable amount of time to research the answer and respond appropriately. It seems that stalling is what has been an effective delay on moving forward to better assist veterans, and that definitely needs to stop, starting with the committees that vote for the betterment of all veterans.
May 6 - May 13 - S 106
S 106, Commitment to Veterans Support and Outreach Act. This bill will allow for better care of our veterans and their families. Outreach to veterans is essential in assisting them to better understand their benefits, especially state benefits, which fluctuate state to state. We are especially appreciative of the fact that this bill provides priority consideration to tribal areas and localities where there is high veteran suicide rate.
April 29 - May 6 - HR 1179 and S 296
HR 1179 and S 296, Preventing Crimes Against Veterans Act o 2023, will establish a new federal criminal offense for knowingly executing, or attempting to execute, a scheme to defraud an individual of veterans' benefits, or in connection with obtaining veteran's benefits for an individual. Veterans have earned their benefits through their service, and by misuse, it leaves other deserving veterans shortchanged. The amount of time it takes a veteran to even get benefits is a long process, and the fraudulent use creates a backlog for those who have waited months and years for their own benefits.
April 22 - April 29 - HR 1083 and S 414
HR 1083 and S 414, Caring for Survivors Act of 2023. These bills will improve and expand eligibility for dependency and indemnity compensation paid to certain survivors of deceased veterans. There is an old saying that the toughest job in the military is that of a military spouse. That continues post-service. While the death of a loved one is certainly terrible, to have the benefits limited or taken away can be another burden which can be alleviated by this bill. If that spouse had been attending to a totally disabled veteran at the time of their death, it goes without saying that they should be entitled to the same compensation for the original amount of time given to that veteran.
March 11 - April 22 - S 3751
S 3571, Rural Veteran Transportation to Care Act, will amend the VA Transportation Grant Program to consider the needs of Veterans who live in highly remote areas. Without accessibility to VA facilities, these Veterans are excluded from the VA health care system. This includes the tribal communities, located far from a medical center or CBOC. These $60,000.00 grants coupled with additional grants to purchase ADA compliant vehicles will help to solve the accessibility problem.
February 26 - March 11 - HR 2413
HR 2413, Dental Care for Veterans Act. By changing just a few words within the Title 38 United States Code, not only would this bill require that the VA furnish dental care in the same manner as medical care, but also include dental appliances along with regular dental treatment. This phased in approach by tier would include dentures along with dental appliances. Dental care is just as important to a veteran's well-being as their medical care and should be taken just as seriously.
February 12 - February 26 - S 2757 and HR 5530
S 2757 and HR 5530, VA Emergency Transportation Access Act. These bills will limit the ability of the Secretary to reduce the amount of transportation reimbursement. This will allow for economic changes, which allows for increases or decreases based on the economic situation and actual transportation costs.
January 15 - February 12 - HR 6462
HR 6462, Readiness Act, will give peace of mind to military and foreign service spouses who are also federal employees. Many spouses continually worry about maintaining their careers when their family is transferred. The process of gaining subsequent federal employment can be a long arduous one. Without this bill, spouses who have careers in the federal sector could lose their employment opportunities. Allowing remote work until a permanent position becomes available will help keep experienced employees in the federal workforce.
January 8 - January 15 - HR 5938
HR 5938, Veterans Exam Expansion Act of 2023, will expand the temporary licensure requirements for medical professionals completing disability evaluation or compensation and pension examinations. This temporary provision will allow the Secretary to maximize his contract providers to meet the ever-increasing requirements of the PACT Act. This is a step forward to ensure VA claims are processed expeditiously.
January 1 - January 8 - S 3282
S 3282, VA Billing Accountability Act, will allow discretionary waivers when the VA fails to bill veterans for co-pays within 180 days. Veterans should not have their financial situation disrupted because the VA makes a mistake or is dilatory in their billing. This bill applies to medical treatment and to medications. Too many times, the VA has not considered the limited funds that are available to veterans. Many are on a fixed income and live month to month.
December 11 - January 1 - HR 2830
HR 2830, Veteran Improvement Commercial Driver License Act of 2023, will amend title 38 United States Code, to expand educational opportunities to include many commercial driver licensing programs. Subsection 2(a) provides sufficient quality control to discourage fraudulent operations. Enactment of this bill will expand the opportunity for veterans to qualify for a commercial driver’s license. This will not only promote veteran employment but will help ease the national supply chain backlog.
November 27 - December 11 - HR 5913
HR 5913, Consolidating Veteran Employment Services for Improved Performance Act of 2023. This bill will effectively transfer certain programs, such as job counseling, homeless veteran integration, and veteran employment from the Department of Labor to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. These programs are currently bouncing back and forth from the VA to DoL, and then back again for funding and/or approval. This is an absolute redundancy that this Bill will eliminate by simply eliminating the “middleman” in this scenario (DoL). The VA will also have an increased budget which can ensure that veterans are being given the necessary training and opportunities for employment. Being able to assist the veterans themselves, the VA can establish a one-stop source of information and care for veterans. This will eliminate an unnecessary step which adds unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles to an already convoluted system.
November 6 - November 27 - HR 196
HR 196, Expediting Temporary Ratings for Veterans Act, will amend title 38 United States Code to award temporary disability ratings for certain veterans. While there will continue to be medical evidence accumulated, this could speed up the process for many veterans. This will increase efficiency and help to reduce the unacceptable backlog. Any excess ratings can be quickly corrected in the review process.
Week of October 23 - November 6 - S 2803
S 2803, Wounded Warrior Access Act of 2023. In this electronic day and age, it is necessary for the VA to catch up and digitally offer service records to the veterans. Pulling records from the VA can be arduous at best. It requires a multitude of paperwork to be filed in person at a VA facility. This is not feasible for all veterans, especially those who live in rural or tribal areas without a local VA facility. Requesting these records digitally or by hard copy is definitely the way forward. Providing time restrictions will also assist veterans in the timely processing of their claims. This will make access for veterans easier and reduce their burden. Additionally, providing predatory warnings on the VA website will further steer veterans in the right direction and away from those who only want to use them for monetary gain.
Week of October 16 - October 23 - HR 5697
HR 5697 will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to ensure veterans can obtain a physical copy of forms by mail or at medical facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs. This bill will slightly adjust Title 38 section 111, allowing for the documentation to be given directly to the veteran. This would include not only the veteran but also a caregiver of the veteran. This bill would seem like an easy payment type situation, however while reading into the bill, there are a few inconsistencies that may also want to be addressed. This is progress to helping veterans who cannot afford the travel to and from their VA facilities for care, and one step forward.
Week of October 9 - October 16 - HR 5667
HR 5667, Pay Our Military Act, will continue appropriations for pay and allowances for members of the Armed Forces for the fiscal year 2024, in the event of a government shutdown. This will cover all members of the active and reserve duty Armed Forces (with some exclusions based on which Department the Coast Guard falls under at the time), will continue to receive their pay and benefits. This is extremely important to maintain the level of care that the servicemembers and their families rely on to be able to focus on the mission and not be concerned about how their mortgage, rent, or food will be paid for. To include contractors and civilians who directly support the Armed Forces is a welcomed addition, and not lose the line of continuity of operations.
Week of September 18 - October 9 - HR 2447
HR 2447 will provide for a presumption of service connection for illnesses associated with service in the Armed Forces in the Panama Canal Zone. It will close certain loopholes for those service members who have been previously denied VA benefits for illnesses connected with their service in the Panama Canal Zone. The PACT Act left these individuals out under the assumption that there was not Agent Orange used in this location. However, there is evidence to the contrary, and we are glad that it is being recognized. These veterans have been suffering and should be taken care of and fairly compensated for their exposure.
Week of September 4 - September 18 - HR 5247
HR 5247, Expedited Hiring for VA Trained Psychiatrists Act of 2023. While usually the VA uses a litany of roadmaps for psychiatrist to go through in order for veterans to be seen, this has created a backlog in which veterans wait months to be seen by anyone. Some veterans are then sent to community care, which is more costly when the VA could merely fast track qualified psychiatrists to fill these positions. By enacting this Act, gaining psychiatrists who have gone through their residency and meeting the qualifications set forth from the VA, they could be appointed to serve. We need to remove this unnecessary backlog and create a better more expeditious service to our veterans mental health.
Week of August 28 - September 4 - S 740
S 740, the GUARD VA Benefits Act of 2023, will reinstate criminal penalties for unaccredited claim representatives who charge unauthorized fees while assisting veterans with filing a claim for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation benefits. As documented in a DAMA Subcommittee hearing last year, veterans are being preyed upon by unregulated for-profit corporations. This is unacceptable. Restoring criminal penalties will help defer this type of predaceous behavior.
Week of July 31 - August 28 - HR 3023
HR 3023, TREAT PTSD Act, will amend the title 38 of United States Code, to ensure that certain qualifying veterans (to include Reservists) who have been diagnosed with PTSD may receive stellate ganglion block therapy for emerging treatment and relief of their symptoms. These veterans must be provided with the risk analysis of this treatment so they can make the decision to proceed. We believe this to be an effective use for not only PTSD but also other mental illnesses veterans may suffer from. The VA must remain on the forefront of progressive therapies such as ganglion block, so we can attempt to reduce the lasting effects of trauma these veterans suffer from on a daily basis.
Week of July 17 - July 31 - S 1040
S 1040 will amend and increase the restriction on smoking on Veterans Health Administration facilities. Smoking used to be a commonplace occurrence, especially among military members, however the negative health consequences have long since been proven. Not only does this affect the individual member and cause costly treatments, but secondhand smoke also is extremely detrimental, in even small doses. Those who suffered Agent Orange exposure, for example, may already have pulmonary issues, and should not have to walk through a cloud of smoke to get into their VA facility. We should be promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Week of July 3 - July 17 - HR 1226
HR 1226, the Wounded Warrior Access Act. In this electronic day and age, it is necessary for the VA to catch up and digitally offer service records to the veterans. Getting records pulled from the VA can be arduous at best, requiring a multitude of paperwork in person at a VA facility, which may not be feasible for all veterans, especially those who live in rural or tribal areas which do not have a local VA facility nearby. To have an option to request these records digitally, or a hard copy, is definitely the way forward to make access for veterans easier, and any way we can assist in lessening the burden on them, we should take it.
Week of June 13 - July 3 - HR 2410
HR 2410, VET CARE Act of 2023, will begin the pilot program designed to evaluate the correlation between dental care and the propensity for lessened chronic illnesses thereby yielding lower cost of care for the VA. If the pilot program is successful after the timeframe allotted for the control-group eligible veterans (based on the specified criteria), we would like to see this program become standard for all eligible veterans.
Week of May 29 - June 13 - HR 3649
HR 3649 will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot program to furnish hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to a veteran who has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS). MVA has reviewed several studies concerning HBOT treatment for PTS and TBI and there are positive indications associated with this treatment. Our interviews with MVA members who served in combat or in Special Operations also point to an affirmative correlation between HBOT and PTS/TBI. We believe that HBOT could potentially allow for a more successful treatment pathway for these invisible wounds.
Week of May 22 - May 29 - HR 2526
HR 2526, S.O.S. Veterans Caregivers Act, will merely change the semantics regarding the satisfaction that caregivers and veterans experience. With the subtle adjustment in language, it will clear up gaps in any idiosyncrasies which may be interpreted differently and cause confusion within the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010.
Week of May 15 - May 22 - HR 1191
H. Res. 387, Expressing support for the designation of June 10, 2023, as “Veterans Get Outside Day”. This resolution can be a saving grace for those veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress and depression, along with those who have also suffered a traumatic brain injury. The men and women of the Armed Forces have higher rates of suicide compared to their civilian counterparts and this proposed day outside is to call attention to the healing power of mother nature on the mind and body. To join together on this day as a united veteran support system is a step forward to create the awareness necessary to combat the mental health crisis veterans face daily.
Week of May 1 - May 15 - HR 1191
HR 1191, Correcting Guam's History in the PACT Act, will amend title 38, United States Code, to expand eligibility for a presumption of service connection for diseases associated with exposure to certain herbicide agents for certain veterans who served in Guam. The PACT Act grants the presumption of herbicide exposure to service members who ‘‘(5) performed on Guam or American Samoa, or in the territorial waters thereof, during the period beginning on January 9, 1962, and ending on July 31, 1980, or served on Johnston Atoll or on a ship that called at Johnston Atoll during the period beginning on January 1, 1972, and ending on September 30, 1977.” Evidence complied by Military-Veterans Advocacy shows that the spraying on Guam commenced on August 15, 1958. HR 1191 will correct this deficiency in the law and make the commencement date for Guam retroactive to August 15, 1958.
Week of April 10 - May 1 - HR 2447
HR 2447 will provide for a presumption of service connection for illnesses associated with service in the Armed Forces in the Panama Canal Zone. This bill will close certain loopholes for those service members who have been previously denied VA benefits for illnesses connected with their service in the Panama Canal Zone. The PACT Act left these individuals out under the assumption that there was not Agent Orange used in this location. However, there is evidence to the contrary, and we are glad that it is being recognized. These veterans have been suffering and should be taken care of and fairly compensated for their exposure.
Week of March 27 - April 10 - HR 1251
HR 1251 will authorize the President to posthumously award the Medal of Honor to Doris Miller for acts of valor as a member of the Navy during World War II. Dorie Miller was an all-American hero. His dedication to the United States Navy and his fellow Sailors was above and beyond anything expected of him. His bravery in the face of the enemy during his tenure onboard the battleship USS West Virginia has earned him this highest honor.
Week of March 20 - March 27 - HR 815
HR 815, the RELIEVE Act, will expand eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reimbursement of emergency treatment for veterans who are treated in a non-VA facility. This bill will close a loophole that has been left open. Often by the time a veteran enrolls in the VA system, it can take months to get in to schedule a visit with a primary care doctor, let alone a specialty. If an emergency occurs and the veteran has to go to a non-VA emergency facility, it makes no sense that they would be held responsible for being seen prior to an emergency. These things are out of our control, and the veteran should not be penalized.
Week of February 27 - March 20 - HR 1191
HR 1191 will amend title 38, United States Code, to expand eligibility for a presumption of service connection for diseases associated with exposure to certain herbicide agents for certain veterans who served in Guam. The PACT Act grants the presumption of herbicide exposure to service members who ‘‘(5) performed on Guam or American Samoa, or in the territorial waters thereof, during the period beginning on January 9, 1962, and ending on July 31, 1980, or served on Johnston Atoll or on a ship that called at Johnston Atoll during the period beginning on January 1, 1972, and ending on September 30, 1977.” Evidence complied by Military-Veterans Advocacy shows that the spraying on Guam commenced on August 15, 1958. HR 1191 will correct this deficiency in the law and make the commencement date for Guam retroactive to August 15, 1958.
Week of February 20 - February 27 - HR 710
HR 710 will establish a national commission on fiscal responsibility and reform. This bill will shine a light on the need for fiscal reform. It also aligns with one of our legislative agenda’s here at MVA. We are extremely supportive of ways to improve fiscal responsibility, so that veteran benefits can be expanded, and we as a nation can take care of all our Veterans, without cutting from another veteran to help another veteran.
Week of February 13 - February 20 - HR 562
HR 562, Improving Veterans Access to Congressional Services Act of 2023. This bill will provide for better accessibility for veteran constituents to meet with their legislative Congress people. By allowing the space within VA facilities, it gives a one-stop shop for veterans who might have more difficulty in reaching their lawmakers. The veteran issues can then be addressed and followed up with on the local level.
Week of February 6 - February 13 - HR 303
HR 303, Retired Pay Restoration Act, will provide for concurrent receipt of veterans disability compensation and retirement pay for disabled retirees with fewer than 20 years of service and a combat-related disability. While fiscal responsibility is
important, placing that burden on the shoulders of our disabled veterans is unconscionable. This bill will shift the burden back to the United States government where it belongs.
Week of January 30 - February 6 - HR 41
HR 41, VA Same-Day Scheduling Act of 2023, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to ensure the timely scheduling of appointments for health care at medical facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs. This is very important to veterans. The VHA is still plagued with delays and wait lists. This bill will force the VA to act and schedule in one phone call.
Week of January 23 - January 30 - HR 105
HR 105, TBI and PTSD Treatment Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot program to furnish hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to a veteran who has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS). MVA has reviewed several studies concerning HBOT treatment for PTS and TBI and there are positive indications associated with this treatment. Our interviews with MVA members who served in combat or in Special Operations also point to an affirmative correlation between HBOT and PTS/TBI. We believe that HBOT could potentially allow for a more successful treatment pathway for these invisible wounds.
Week of November 27 - December 3 - S 1725
S 1725 will grant a Federal charter to the National American Indian Veterans, Incorporated. This bill has already passed the Senate. Help us to get it passed in the House. Veteran services for tribal areas have been spotty at best. Native American Veterans often do not have access to either service officers or medical clinics. Chartering this group will help to correct these deficiencies. Native Americans are participating in military service in ever increasing numbers. We need to ensure that the VA serves their needs.
Week of November 13 - November 19 - HR 1282 HR 1282 and S 344, the Major Richard Star Act, will provide for concurrent receipt of veterans' disability compensation and retirement pay for disability retirees with fewer than 20 years of service and a combat-related disability. While fiscal responsibility is important, placing that burden on the shoulders of our disabled veterans is unconscionable. The Major Richard Star Act will shift that burden back to the United States government where it belongs. This is a bill that is long overdue.
Week of September 6 - November 13 - HR 5026
HR 5026, Panama Canal Zone Veterans Act of 2021, will grant federal benefits to veterans who served in or near the Panama Canal Zone, all of whom were potentially exposed to deadly tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange. It will expand presumptive coverage to these veterans, similar to the coverage for those who served in Vietnam, along the Korean DMZ, and on the base perimeters in Thailand. It is long past time we recognize the sacrifices of those who defended this strategic position when our nation called upon them.
Week of August 30 - September 6 HR 8736
HR 8736, the GUARD Act, will reinstate criminal penalties for unaccredited claim representatives who charge unauthorized fees while assisting veterans with filing a claim for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation benefits.
Week of August 22 - August 29 HR 7337
HR 7337, Access for Veterans to Records Act, will require the Archivist of the United States to submit a plan to Congress to eliminate the records backlog at the National Personnel Records Center. While we understand that the pandemic required a number of employees to work remotely, the medical situation has stabilized in this country. In order to obtain records to support the claims for sick and dying veterans, the National Archives must become more responsive. Contact your Senators and Member of Congress and ask for their support.
Week of August 8 - August 22 - HR 6647
HR 6647 will make certain improvements relating to the eligibility of veterans to receive reimbursement for emergency treatment furnished through the Veterans Community Care program.
Week of July 18 - August 8 - S 3373
The Honoring our PACT Act, will improve health care and benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances. This comprehensive bill will address herbicide, radiation, and burn pits. A procedural issue required Congress to amend and pass the PACT Act again. The House has done its job and passed the bill with bipartisan support. Every day this bill is delayed means another day a veteran could get sick and die. The Senate must stop any further delays and immediately pass the Honoring our PACT Act. Contact your Senators and tell them no more delays, they must bring the Honoring our PACT Act to the floor immediately and vote YES.
Week of July 4 - July 18 HR 7158 and S 2852
HR 7158 and S 2852, Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act, will authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to enter into contracts and agreements for the payment of care in non-Department of Veterans Affairs medical foster homes for certain veterans who are unable to live independently.
Week of June 27 - July 4 - HR 5819
HR 5819, Autonomy for Disabled Veterans Act, will increase the amount paid by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to veterans for improvements and structural alterations furnished as part of home health services.
Week of June 13 - June 27 - HR 1476
HR 1476, PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Program Act, will authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to make grants to State and local entities and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) to carry out peer-to-peer mental health
programs. As you know veteran suicide has reached epidemic level. We are losing thousands of veterans to suicide every year. In most cases mental health plays a role in these tragic deaths. The VA is not able to provide needed services on the local level to arrest this trend. They lack both the expertise and the resources to expand into local communities and tribal areas. This bill will make State and local governments and NGOs allies in the battle against veteran suicide.
Week of June 6 - June 13 - HR 2910 and S 3603
HR 2910 and S 3603, Veterans Health Care Freedom Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to improve the ability of veterans to provide the veterans the ability to choose health care providers.
Week of May 30 - June 6 - HR 7048
HR 7048, Protect Lifesaving Anesthesia Care for Veterans Act of 2022. This bill will prohibit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs from replacing physician anesthesiologists with certified registered nurse anesthetists, or other health professionals in the health care system of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Week of May 16 - May 30 - HR 7589
HR 7589, Remove Copays Act, will prohibit the imposition or collection of copayments for certain mental health outpatient care visits of veterans.
Week of May 9 - May 16 - HR 2992
HR 2992, TBI and PTSD Law Enforcement Training Act. This bill will direct the Attorney General to develop crisis intervention training tools for use by first responders related to interacting with persons who have a traumatic brain injury, another form of acquired brain injury, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Week of April 25 - May 9 - HR 7524
HR 7524, the ACES Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to seek to enter into an agreement with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to study the incidence and mortality of cancer among individuals who served in the Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps as aircrew.
Week of April 18 - April 25 - HR 4601 and S 2405
HR 4601 and S 2405, Commitment to Veteran Support and Outreach Act, will authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to award grants to states to improve outreach to veterans.
Week of April 11 - April 18 - HR 7050
HR 7050, Ernest Peltz Accrued Veterans Benefits Act, will make certain improvements in the laws relating to the administration of benefits payable to survivors of deceased veterans.
Week of April 4 - April 11 - HR 6543
HR 6543, Restore Veterans' Compensation Act of 2022, will eliminate the recoupment of separation pay, special separation benefits, and voluntary separation incentive payments from members of the Armed Forces who subsequently receive disability compensation under laws administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Week of March 28 - April 4 - Repeat of HR 3368, HR 5026, HR 2269, and S 657
We have had all of these as previous Bills of the Week, but we still need to get more support. HR 3368 will provide a presumption of service-connection for veterans exposed to certain herbicides while serving on Guam, American Samoa, and Johnston Island. HR 5026 will grant federal benefits to veterans who served in or near the Panama Canal Zone, all of whom were potentially exposed to deadly tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange. HR 2269 & S 657 will modify the presumption of service connection for veterans who were exposed to herbicide agents while serving in the Armed Forces in Thailand during the Vietnam era.
Week of March 21 - March 28 - HR 5607 and S 3483
HR 5607 and S 3483, Justice for ALS Veterans Act of 2022, these bills will extend increased dependency and indemnity compensation paid to surviving spouses of veterans who die from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, regardless of how long the veterans had such disease prior to death.
Week of March 7 - March 21 - HR 3967
HR 3967, Honoring our PACT Act of 2021, will improve health care and benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances.
Week of February 28 - March 7 - HR 3402 and S S 976
HR 3402 and S 976, Caring for Survivors Act of 2021, will improve and expand eligibility for dependency and indemnity compensation paid to certain survivors of certain veterans.
Week of February 15 - February 28 - HR 6659 and S 3541
HR 6659 and S 3541, the Health Care for Burn Pit Veterans Acts, will provide health care and benefits to veterans suffering from the effects of toxic exposure. It is a cost of war that must be paid, and it is past time for Congress to deliver on this promise. It is consistent with the pending COST of War Act, won’t negatively impact VA’s delivery of care or benefits to veterans, and can garner enough bipartisan support to get it all the way to the President’s desk— making it our best chance at ensuring all past, present, and future generations get the care and benefits they earned.
Week of February 7 - February 14 - HR 6402 and S 1725
HR 6402 and S 1725 will grant a Federal charter to the National American Indian Veterans, Incorporated. Veteran services for tribal areas have been spotty at best. Native American Veterans often do not have access to either service officers or medical clinics. Chartering this group will help to correct these deficiencies. Native Americans are participating in military service in ever increasing numbers. We need to ensure that the VA serves their needs.
Week of January 24 - February 7 - HR 5944
HR 5944, Veterans Administration Backlog Accountability Act of 2021, will direct the Inspector General of the Department of Veterans Affairs to submit to Congress a report on the backlog of disability compensation claims submitted to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Week of January 17 - January 24 - HR 3596
HR 3596, the Lawrence J. Hackett, Jr., Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange Fairness Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a task force on Agent Orange exposure.
Week of January 10 - January 17 - HR 1836
HR 1836, the Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act of 2021, will ensure that the time during which members of the Armed Forces serve on active duty for training qualifies for educational assistance under the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Week of January 3 - January 10 - HR 6260
HR 6260, the Casualty Assistance Reform Act of 2021, will direct the Secretary of Defense to establish a working group for the reform of the casualty assistance officer program.
Week of December 27 - January 3 - HR 2992
HR 2992, TBI and PTSD Law Enforcement Training Act, will direct the Attorney General to develop crisis intervention training tools for use by first responders related to interacting with persons who have a traumatic brain injury, another form of acquired brain injury, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Week of December 20 - December 27 - HR 3400
HR 3400, VA Emergency Transportation Act, will reimburse Veterans for the cost of emergency medical transportation to a Federal facility.
Week of December 13 - December 20 - HR 2800
HR 2800, the WINGMAN Act, will permit veterans to grant access to their records in the databases of the Veterans Benefits Administration to certain designated congressional employees.
Week of November 29 - December 13 - HR 1361 and S 444
HR 1361 and S 444, AUTO for Veterans Act, will authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide or assist in providing an additional vehicle adapted for operation by disabled individuals to certain eligible persons.
Week of November 22 - November 29 - HR 2601 and S 1188
HR 2601 and S 1188, SFC Heath Robinson Burn Pit Transparency Act, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to notify Congress regularly of reported cases of burn pit exposure by Veterans.
Week of November 8 - November 22 - HR 2819 and S 1198
HR 2819 and S 1198, Solid Start Act of 2021, will improve and expand the Solid Start program of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Week of November 1 - November 8 - HR 3537 and S 1813
HR 3537 and S 1813, Accelerating Access to Critical Therapies for ALS Act, will direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to support research on, and expanded access to, investigational drugs for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Week of October 18 - November 1 - S 1970
S 1970, The Clean Water for Military Families Act, will require the Secretary of Defense to conduct testing for and remediation of perfluoroalkyl substances and polyfluoroalkyl substances at or surrounding installations of the Department of Defense located in the United States, formerly used defense sites, and State-owned facilities of the National Guard.
Week of October 11 - October 18 - HR 4949 and S 692
HR 4949 and S 692, the Hello Girls Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2021, will award a Congressional Gold Medal to the female telephone operators of the Army Signal Corps, known as the "Hello Girls".
Week of September 27 - October 11 - HR 852 and S 221
HR 852 and S 221, United States - Israel PTSD Collaborative Research Act, will direct the Secretary of Defense to carry out a grant program to increase cooperation on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder research between the United States and Israel.
Week of September 13 - September 27 - RECA Cleanup Veterans
We have reason to believe RECA (Radiation Exposure Compensation Act) legislation will be introduced mid-September that may not include two groups of Veterans that should be included. The first group is approximately 6000 Veterans that participated in the Enewetak Atoll Radiological Cleanup Project. The second group omitted is the Palomares, Spain Broken Arrow Operation. Click the link to learn more and to contact your Member of Congress and Senators.
Week of September 6 - September 13 - HR 3368, HR 5026, HR 2269, & S 657
We have had all of these as previous Bills of the Week but we still need to get more support. HR 3368 will provide a presumption of service-connection for veterans exposed to certain herbicides while serving on Guam, American Samoa, and Johnston Island. HR 5026 will grant federal benefits to veterans who served in or near the Panama Canal Zone, all of whom were potentially exposed to deadly tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange. HR 2269 & S 657 will modify the presumption of service connection for veterans who were exposed to herbicide agents while serving in the Armed Forces in Thailand during the Vietnam era.
Week of August 23 - September 7 - HR 5026
HR 5026, The Panama Canal Zone Veterans Act of 2021 will grant federal benefits to veterans who served in or near the Panama Canal Zone, all of whom were potentially exposed to deadly tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange.
Week of August 16 - August 23 S 2189 and HR 1014
S 2189 and HR 1014 will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot program to furnish hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to a veteran who has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS).
Week of July 26 - August 16 HR 2192
HR 2192, The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2021, will provide a federal cause of action for those individuals affected by exposure to the water provided at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, NC from August 1, 1953 to December 31, 1987.
Week of July 12 - July 26 - HR 1976 and S 810
HR 1972 and S 810, the Fair Care for Vietnam Veterans Act, will extend the list of diseases associated with exposure to certain herbicide agents for which there is presumption of service connection for veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam to include hypertension.
Week of June 28 - July 12 - HR 1656
HR 1656, TREAT PTSD Act, will require the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense to furnish enrolled members and veterans of the Armed Forces who have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with stellate ganglion blocks, should they elect to have them.
Week of June 21 - June 28 - HR 303 and S 1147
HR 303 and S 1147, The Retired Pay Restoration Act, will permit additional retired members of the Armed Forces who have a service-connected disability to receive both disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs for their disability and either retired pay by reason of their years of military service or combat-related special compensation.
Week of June 7 - June 21 - HR 2441 and S 1468
HR 2441 and S 1468, Sgt. Ketchum Rural Veterans Mental Health Act of 2021, will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to expand the Rural Access Network for Growth Enhancement Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and to direct the Comptroller General of the United States to conduct a study to access certain mental health care resources of the Department of Veterans Affairs available to veterans who live in rural and tribal areas.
Week of May 24 - June 7 - HR 3368
HR 3368 will provide for a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans exposed to herbicides while serving in the Armed Forces on Guam, American Samoa, and Johnston Island.
Week of May 17 - May 24 - HR 855
HR 855, VETS Safe Travel Act, will provide PreCheck to certain severely injured or disabled veterans. Our disabled American heroes have suffered enough in the service of their country.
Week of May 10 - May 17 - HR 2580 and S 1151
HR 2580 and S 1151 will provide for the treatment of veterans who participated in the cleanup of Palomares, Spain as radiation-exposed veterans for purposes of the presumption of service-connection of certain disabilities by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Week of May 3 - May 10 - Recap of previous bills
This week we are doing a recap of all of our previous Bills of the Week. HR 1014, HR 109, HR 1355, S 454, HR 1585, S 565, HR 1022, S 951, HR 1448, S 613, HR 2372, S 952, HR 2269, S 657, HR 2127, and S 927.
Week of April 26 - May 3 - HR 2127 and S 927
HR 2127 and S 927 will improve the provision of health care and other benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs for veterans who were exposed to toxic substances.
Week of April 19 - April 26 - HR 2269 and S 657
HR 2269 and S 657 cover herbicide exposure in Thailand. These bills will modify the presumption of service connection for veterans who were exposed to herbicide agents while serving in the Armed Forces in Thailand during the Vietnam era.
Week of April 7 - April 14 - HR 2372 and S 952
HR 2372 and S 952 will provide for presumption of service connection for certain diseases associated with exposure
to toxins. The Warfighter bills are essential to provide needed medical coverage and compensation for victims of military toxic exposure.
Week of March 31 - April 7 - HR 1022, S 951, HR 1448, and S 613
HR 1022 and S 951 will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a grant program under which the Secretary shall make grants to private entities for the provision of service dogs to eligible veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.
HR 1448 and S 613 will direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program on dog training therapy, and to amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide service dogs to veterans with mental illnesses who do not have mobility impairments.
Week of March 24 - March 31 - HR 1585 AND S 565
These companion bills will provide for the treatment of veterans who participated in the cleanup of Enewetak Atoll as radiation-exposed veterans for purposes of the presumption of service-connection of certain disabilities by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Week of March 17 - 24 - HR 1355 AND S 454
These companion bills will provide health care and benefits to veterans who were exposed to toxic substances while serving as members of the Armed Forces at Karshi Khanabad Air Base, Uzbekistan.
Week of March 10 - March 16 - HR 109
This bill will establish an advisory committee on the implementation by the Department of Veterans Affairs of an electronic health record.
Week of March 3 - March 9 - HR 1014
This bill will establish a pilot program to furnish hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to a veteran who has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS).